Le’ Diamant has a good range of hinged doors for those who are looking for doors with strength or security purpose. Le’ Diamant is able to meet your expectation on quality, without compromising on design for hinged doors.
Le’ Diamant hinged door stiles and railings come in various options e.g. double glazing, decorative bars and reliable locking system (lever or cylindrical lock).
The deep top and bottom of the railings also allows you to modify or extend the design to match the look of a traditional timber door.
French Doors
Le’ Diamant French Door aims to provide you with an artistic feel to your premises. The wide top and bottom railings, as well as the colonial glazing bars bring out the flavour of the French.
The Le’ Diamant French Door system is unique and suitable for those who admire the artistic design for a door to their premises. The wide top and bottom railings, and optional glazing bars make it a French masterpiece. The 113mm-wide railing can be extended or widened up to 85mm, using a cosmetic rail extender. This will add to the classic appearance of the door, in particular for the bottom railing.
Rebated stiles where the French Doors close together will provide a flush appearance and also act as a weather protection.
The carefully designed Le’ Diamant French Door has a neat yet sophisticated appearance compared to the traditional bolts and door panel of conventional doors.